Welcome True Believers to the inaugural post for "K is for Komics!" As it is the first of the year, I figured this would be the best time to begin a new blog. Hey, it makes for a good resolution and a good start to 2009.
The title of this blog is "K is for Komics." That's because my name is Kris with a K. My parents decided they didn't mind subjecting me to years of having to correct people's spelling and went for the whole phonetic thing.
It's also called this because, well, this blog is about comics! I will be covering a wide range of comic related subjects. Apart from the usual gossip, reviews, anecdotes and general comic talk I plan to use this blog as a chronicaling of my attempt to break into the industry as a comic book writer. As an openly gay dude, I will also cover many GLBT issues and topics in the industry.
A little bit about me; I'm a 25-year old freelance writer and lifelong geek from Detroit, MI. I have suckled at Marvel's teat for the majority of my years as a fanboy, so expect a slight bias. However, in my adult years, I've enjoyed a wide range of books from various creators and companies. Some of my favorite on-going series right now include The Walking Dead, X-Factor, The Boys, Invincible, Runaways and countless others. In all actuality, if it's good and somebody tells me to read it, I usually do, so pull box suggestions are always welcome here.
So, with introductions aside, let us journey forth together into this new year and into this new blog.