Say what you want about Twitter (or Favreau for that matter) but this level of director-to-fan involvement on a movie set is one of a kind. Sure we've had set updates and production blogs from directors in the past, but as movie production kicks into overtime these often fall to the wayside when more pressing matters come up. Twitter's "micro-blogging" allows Favreau to let the fans what he's doing, as he does it.
However, there has been a few kinks in the works. According to Favreau, Marvel executives were none to pleased when he tweeted about Scarlett Johansson's new Black Widow duds. As such, there has been some level of control over what the director has and has not been able to say. Marvel is clearly keeping an eye on their tweet-crazed director to make sure similar slips do not happen.
The result? Well, let's just say a few of Favreau's tweets never made it to the public. K is for Komics has exclusive coverage of these "lost tweets" and a sneak peek look at what is REALLY happening on the set of Iron Man 2. Take a look:
Jon_Favreau: Production was halted after only half a day when Mickey Rourke got his head stuck in a hunny jar. Oh well, better luck tomorrow!
Jon_Favreau: Who ate my leftovers from lunch? I was saving that for after wrap tonight. I'm not pointing fingers, but you know who you are (Gweneth)
Jon_Favreau: Iron Man suit working again after wardrobe malfunction this afternoon. Duct tape will be edited out in post.
Jon_Favreau: Today is wacky hat day!!!!!!!!!
Jon_Favreau: Accidently left RDJ in desert after taping tonight. Hope he's still there when we go back tomorrow. My bad!
Jon_Favreau: Terrence Howard keeps calling me, trying to get his old job back, but I'm ignoring his calls. Get the hint, dude.
Jon_Favreau: Word of advice? Sam Jackson doesn't like it when you shout Pulp Fiction quotes at him. Lost two gaffers today because of it.
Jon_Favreau: Almost blew the film's entire budget on yesterday's impromptu pizza and karaoke party. May have to shoot rest of film in my dad's garage.
Jon_Favreau: Not talking to Robert Downy Jr any longer. He knows why.
Jon_Favreau: Lazy day! Spent most of the afternoon looking at pictures of LOLcats. Don't feel like being productive.
Jon_Favreau: According to Marvel suits, the character Black Widow not actually African-American. Sorry to get your hopes up, Halle. Maybe next time.
Jon_Favreau: Suit redesigns look great! Also, new eyepatch for Nick Fury!
Jon_Favreau: Pitched my idea for the big musical finale. Rejected. :(
Jon_Favreau: People keep asking me which villain Mickey Rourke is playing and I keep telling them, I DON'T KNOW! Sheesh, figure it out for yourself!
Jon_Favreau: Robert Downy Jr apologized and we're best friends again!
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