This week saw the end of the Brian Michael Bendis penned Ultimate Spider-Man and it ends with the worst issue imaginable. Please look around your feet, people, for a ball that may be rolling around because Bendis just dropped it.
Okay, fanboy dramatics aside, the book was obviously phoned in because next month the two-part miniseries Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem begins which will most likely be a much better end to the Ultimate Spider Man saga. These books are practically written for trade collection and Marvel will most likely collect this final arc along with Requiem in one book, making this lackluster final issue just another chapter in a bigger graphic novel.
But still, I paid $3.99 for this piece of junk and it had absolutely no words! Not even a sound effect, the entire issue was done silently, told only in pictures. I can get behind the concept of a silent comic, but only when it's done well, and Bendis, for all of this talents, just does not pull it off with this one.
I'm gunna throw up a SPOILER ALERT for all of you kids who care about those things, but to be honest the entire "story" of the issue is told on the cover. If you see the cover, then you have already spoiled the story for yourself.
Anywho, the issue is a jumble of random scenes. Spider-Woman fights Hulk, Hulk fights helicopters, Spider-Woman looks around. Spider-Woman looks at rubble to try to find Spider-Man. Then Kitty shows up and she looks around. Then people are trapped so they rescue them. Then they look around. Then they shout around. Then they look at rubble.
Are you getting the idea?
For the entire two minutes that it took to read this issue, I was bored to tears. There was nothing interesting happening in the panels to warrent a silent comic. In fact, I think even with dialogue it would still a meandering, pointless waste of my money.
And I guess that's kind of ironic. As much as even a few months ago Ultimate Spider-Man was still a well written, fun loving breath of fresh air from the stale Peter Parker that the normal continuity's version had grown into. But now the tables are turned. Spider-Man is good again, and his younger, hipper, revamped Ultimate Spider-Man has died with a whimper.
That is of course, until Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 hits later this year.
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