Good news, Alan Moore!
You remember that esteemed graphic novel you and Dave Gibbons created called Watchmen? Well it appears a young gentleman in Hollywood has adapted that story into a motion picture and it's due out on DVD and Blu-Ray at the end of July! Congratulations, you must be so happy to hear that!
Not only that, but you know how you had always wanted people to be able to make comments in real-time as they read the story in real time with their friends across the country over popular social networking site Facebook? Well they are making that feature a reality for the Blu-Ray release of the film, utilizing BD-Live technology.
What was that? That wasn't your overall intention for the story? Excuse me, Mr. Moore? Was that some sort of British obscenity that you just screamed at me?
It's true, Watchmen is on its way to your home and if you're lucky enough to pick up the Blu-Ray copy of the movie, you'll get to try out what must be the most useless extra feature ever, the ability to watch the film with your friends from Facebook.
I'm really left to wonder how ideas like this even start, let alone get through the hands of several high-powered decision making people and still manage to make it to the end. And yet, the person who thought of this idea drives a better car than I do from the big fat bonus he or she received for being so clever. But in the whole whirlwind of back patting and congratulations, everyone forgot to ask one big question:
Who does this feature even appeal to?
Let's start at the beginning, the hardware. Not only is this feature limited to only people with Blu-Ray, but to people with Blu-Ray who have a BD-Live player. What's a BD-Live player, you ask? It's a Blu-Ray player that is more expensive because it can do useless things like allow you to watch a movie over Facebook. Of course every person has to own a copy of the movie, have a BD-Live player and have a Facebook account as well.
But ultimately, why would anyone want to go through the hassle of synchronizing something like that when it would just be easier to have a viewing night at someone's house. I'd much rather make comments outloud then have to watch and type at the same time.
And what does this say about the target audience for Watchmen? Is this Hollywood's way of saying "Hey, comic geeks only have online friends. We need to give them a way to feel less alienated."
I say for the Blu-Ray release of Watchmen 2: Rise of Rorschach Warner Bros. opts to go with Twitter over Facebook. It would allow you to watch the movie for 140 seconds at a time on your computer or your iPhone. You could then comment with your friends on the go, since you're such a busy gal these days.
And maybe then, we'll witness a full-on Alan Moore rampage.
I'd heard that Alan Moore had been deported and wasn't allowed back in the US. I never heard why, but maybe it was to protect us from his then-future wrath over Watchmen and this Blu-Book nonsense. Or maybe Moore's revenge is his indifference towards the movie. I haven't seen it yet, though, for fear of his anger. He's a practicing magician, you know!
I had no idea that he was a practicing magician, but I am also not surprised in the slightest. The man looks like an entire Renaissance festival unto himself. I'd love to drink grog and eat turkey legs with Alan Moore while he ran a D&D campaign, but I'm afraid of him.
That is a dumb idea, but I love the little F over Dr. Manhattan's penis.
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