One of the weirdest things about writing for comic books is working with an artist. When you right straight up prose, it's all on your shoulders to carry the story. When it comes to making a comic book, you can really only claim about 50% for its success as it is much more of a visual medium. Once the script is complete,there's nothing more for you to do besides wait for the artist to work his (or her) magic. And like Tom Petty said, the waiting is the hardest part.
I like to keep in contact with my artists just so we're always on the same page. I know they're working hard, but I also want them to know I'm still here to support them or answer questions. I almost feel guilty in a way because every little frustration they may have because of the art is thanks to me. It takes me all of three seconds to write something like "She starts eating the car" but it takes the artist hours of time to actually draw that out.
So, one thing that I have developed with my artists in a weekly check-in. Even if nothing is going on or no work was done, it's a way for the both of us to touch base and stay focused on one particular project, while juggling others. We ask questions, trade information and even keep each other up to date with things that we think the other may be interested in. It's a great way to maintain a working relationship with an artist instead of dropping a script on his (or her) lap and saying "Draw this!"
I chose Wednesday as the day that we e-mail one another because every comic book fan knows that's the day that new comic books come out. While picking up a new batch of comics, it's easy to remember that you're not just a fan, you're also a creator and that your own comics need tending to.
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